So my girls are almost 2 yrs old where has the time gone?? Can't we go back to the infant stages?? Oh I miss my itty bitty babies. Kirra and Baili have blown away most doctors "that told me we just don't know with tears in their eyes."
Kirra is doing wonderful and all caught up for her age. Her peditrician says she is above a 23 month old. I am not one to brag but she was a preemie, 29 weeker, only 3.3lbs. Now she speaks in sentences, runs, plays, communicates, loves all children and people. She is a social butterfly!! She has passed all odds and she is my little leader. The other day my dad was on the couch with Baili sleeping what him and Bai do best...anyhow Kirra came up to me and said kid you not, "Papa Baba night night couch" she is only 1yrs old! She just picks up everything so fast. She is a size 5 shoe give or take, tall, and medium built to thin. Red hair, pale skin, a little bit Irish and a little bit German. She is truly a WONDERFUL baby/toddler and listens and is polite! I love her to pieces!!! She is a mini me and my angel.
Baili is doing wonderful as well!!! She is my little pumpkin I call her. She is my Baili bug! She is tiny and I mean tiny. She is a size 2 shoe with a petite build. Short and small but just right! She is contiuing with SP, DSI, PT, OT, and DSI II weekly and really doing great. She is our miracle. She is crawling up a storm!!! She is at my leg pulling at me, mamamama, and wanting up. She loves to play hard and loves her sister!!! I am truly blessed with two because they play together rather than me entertaining one only. When K was sick and B was up all day I lived what it was like with only one. Baili needed my attention and play all day long, no nap! Now I see they love each others company so MUCH! Baili truly is the best baby ever! I love her so much and thank God for her everyday, what a miracle and blessing I have. She is copying everything I do and is such a love.
In one month and four days they will be 2 and I can't believe it!
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