I am sitting down thinking of making some New Years Resolutions/Goals for 2011... I am making some for me and some for my girls. I want to make some that are "reachable" just like we do with Baili's therapists. We do goals for Baili every six months and we try to ask ourselves are these realistic? Too challenging or achievable for Baili? Most resolutions don't get achieved because they are too hard to accomplish. This year mine are more practical and reachable goals I hope. To be honest, I don't usually make them but this year I will give it a shot.
First, I am starting off with me. Which is a first, ever since I have been pregnant, me, myself, and I have been last priority. My girls have been first. My babies doctors, nurses, therapists, food therapy, clothes, toys, beds, blankets, milk, pedisure, books, bottles, bills, you get the picture... All my kids, all the time, always first priority, over everything, or everybody. For me, I am challenging myself to take time for me. Such as, go skiing more often because I enjoy it so much. Try to do stuff I enjoy for me and to not think about my kids not being there with me. This will be a challenge for me.
My goals for me and my girls between me and my girls.
1. Lose weight - yes this is a big one for me. I would like to be at my pre-baby weight, which is actually 25 pounds less than I am now. This is my biggest goal this year. I have strict plans to achieve this goal. My kids are two now. It is time to lose the weight.
2. Do things for me. If it's take a nap instead of clean. Go buy a shirt for me or go to the gym. Something for me at least once a month. This will be a challenge since all I ever want to do is care and buy for my girls. A healthy mom (who takes care of herself) has healthy kids. It is a circle that makes all healthy. Save more, spend less, and enjoy what I have every day.
3. No more smoking. Ever. Some of you don't know I sneak them in once in awhile... Since I used to be a smoker when I am around it it's hard for me. My plan is ZERO smoking. Two days down, success.
4. Be at peace with others. Try to make my life more peaceful. If you know what I have been through you know exactly what I am talking about. Try to be at peace with less stress. This is a HUGE goal.
1. Know all of her colors and letters and sounds. She can name letters and colors but she will learn to identify them and know her colors, letters and sounds. Yep- all of them. Big goal. I used to be a teacher, I can do this.
2. Potty Trained. Enough said.
3. Count to ten. Identify numbers 1 to 10.
1. Stand by herself with no help or assistance and learn to cruise on furniture.
2. Learn to walk by 12-31-11.
3. Talk a lot more and know at least ten words. She can do this she identifies many things now she just can't say them. She knows and can do it.
4. Try to have less surgeries, gain weight, and see less doctors, in turn be healthy. We are starting with some hospital surgeries on January 21, so I guess not really to a great start. But this is a yearly goal I have for her.
If you know my Baili you know these are quite high goals, but I pray we can achieve them. If you know my Kirra these are high goals but with any help or teaching she can achieve hers as well. When I was a teacher I always had to teach to the majority, not the individual. But the FANTASTIC thing about being a Mommy is I can teach to the individual! I have studied a lot on early childhood and I know what they can achieve at their developmental levels.
My girls are on very different levels but they still teach to each other. So no matter what I am teaching them they are both soaking it ALL in. Such as, Baili's Speech Therapist teaches her sign language and of course Kirra does it all the time. She was never taught but she "watches" the SP therapist doing it to Baili. They are little sponges!
My main New Year's resolution is to be the best Parent I can ever be to my two kids, no matter the challenges along the way.
The Mama
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