Here is my first post. What fun. I chose to be like the rest and start a blog on my girls.
I wanted to start with a blog on their differences.
- Baili likes bread, Kirra not so much…
- Baili likes lunch meat, Kirra hates it but now is starting to like it...
- Kirra will still eat oatmeal and LOVES baby food, it’s her drug…literally she gets it for dessert! Since food therapist said NO. I give it to her as a TREAT.
-Baili has moved on to bigger and better things
-Who has the G-tube again??
-Baili is on the G-Tube but eats everything in sight and Kirra is my non-eater lately? Must be a toddler thing...
- Baili has a harder time falling asleep while Kirra lays right down and cuddles up to her blanket
- Baili is always the first one up at naptime but Kirra’s the first one up in the morning
- Baili will give her sister anything she wants and Kirra will take anything she wants
- Kirra likes to make noise with things (Baili joins in once she sees what's going on) while Baili is content to read books and stack her blocks for extended periods of time
- Baili is so sensitive and cries (usually) when you tell her no and Kirra laughs and smiles at you (and then tries it again and again and again)!! Both can be equally sensitive on most days.
- Kirra reacts to almost everything you say whether it's naptime, eating, bath time- she goes right where the next activity is going to be. Baili will do these things too, but usually once she sees what Kirra is doing. Baili’s more prone to ignoring me when she's wrapped up in a toy or book.
- Kirra attempts to say more words than Baili but once Baili hears her sister getting praise for something she's soon to follow in her own way.
- Baili is a cuddlier, hugger, and kisser while Kirra can be coy and bashful at times and is usually too busy for a cuddle (unless it's with mama, such a mama's girl!)
-Otherwise Kirra has way too many things to do to bother with a hug or kiss. Kirra will always kiss her SISTER no matter what!
-I just say Kirs give Bai kisses and hugs…she goes right over and gives her hugs and kisses.
Katie, thank you for sharing. This will be so special for your girls when they get older.